Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Persistance paid off

Okay it might not be a big deal to you but this is huge for me. I began the day with Listening to LaShaunda Henry and Peter Bergman for some e-advice. Bergman advised to not get distracted but to accomplish the goal you set. Henry states the Nike mantra "Just do It". So that is just what I did despite my many distraction. I was focused on produciing at least one blog post from the 4 blogs I have  and to my delight I am on my second.

So what is the big deal you are still wondering. Well to start off a hour after writing my 1st blog of the day I pressed to save and some how my post  was completly deleted with no chance of recovery. So I cheered myself on to type the blog again and after retyping when I pressed post the keys malfunctioned and do not respond. So I bring the laptop to another room where the desktop is and I retype the whole thing with confedience & pride in my perseverance. I pressed post and did a happy dance.

My goal for the day was achieved. I feel renewed, revived and rewarded for my effort.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Accidental delete

So I began this day with one focus to get a article on Squidoo.  I even found a video mentor that I watched for several hours today. So I was finally ready for Squidoo. I had a great topic and even created a outline. I had Amazon choose some great items to display. I decided at the end of the lens to just save but not yet publish. So I push the back space key to clarify a choice I made. My heart sank, some how I deleted everything. 4 hours of hard work gone. To say I was disappointed is a understatement. Since I had no more energy to go back on Squidoo.  I just had to blog. As a writer I just wanted to see something new that I wrote today. So I am feeling a bit more encouraged. I know that a prayer and a good nites sleep will refresh and renew me. So I am headed to bed and will read some squidoos to sleep. Goodnight.